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Mountaintop Christian Education Center admits students of any race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin. We are here to provide a quality and nurturing education for students that have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a desire to see His will manifest in their lives. We reserve the right to limit the amount of students we enroll per semester based on our capacity to provide space and a sufficient staff.  We also reserve the right for administration to offer admission to only those students that they deem to be compatible with the academic pace, culture, and values of our school.









Click on the link below to download our K-12 program application. 

Return the completed application by either mailing it to

Mountaintop C.E.C., P.O. Box 3199, Muncie, IN  47307 or by emailing it to


Principles for Students


  • Cooperative Spirit

    • Students of Mountaintop attend school to learn and grow.  Having a cooperative spirit is essential to expedite that growth and provide an atmosphere in the school where others can focus and grow as well.



  • Personal Relationship with Christ

    • The type of education and supplemental education that Mountaintop offers is meant to foster a follower of the Christian faith. Anything else would not be authentic and would breed frustration for the student, their family, and staff.

Guidelines for
Students and Families

  • Faithful Church Attendance

    • The parents/guardians should demonstrate their love for the Lord, commitment to spiritual growth, and desire to train their children by faithfully attending a Bible-believing church. 




  • Transferring in Good Standing

    • Mountaintop only admits a student who transfers from the former school in good standing. In evaluating a potential student, admission testing and interviews are customarily required. In addition, students must willingly sign the Statement of Faith and Standards of Conduct agreement at enrollment and re-enrollment. 







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